The Resilience of the Swedish Model of Welfare in the Global Economy

Thema: The Nordic Model
By Anders Lindbom, Bo Rothstein

"We argue that the Swedish welfare state has demonstrated its resilience to globalization and neoliberalism because of two of its organizational features: 1) it gives the middle class a stake in its maintenance; and 2) it promotes distributional and procedural justice that translates into middle class support. Change in the direction of a liberal or residual welfare state is highly unlikely. However, the Swedish welfare state is far less resilient with respect to change reflecting a shift to a work-related welfare state. Those features are already present to a much higher degree than is generally acknowledged. These changes will not necessarily result in lower female participation in the labor market or the dismantling of welfare services, i.e., the establishment of a conservative welfare state. But they will affect the more vulnerable groups in the labor market, including young people, immigrants, and single parents."


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