Canada and the Concept of Commonwealth: Need, Mission, or Foreign Policy Tool?

Thema: Linguistic Spaces as New Actors in Globalization
By Nelson Michaud

In the era of globalization, the abolition of borders, and the creation of political, geo-strategic, and economic groupings that transcend cultural or historical logic, does the Commonwealth still have a role to play? In 2005, Krishnan Srinivasan put the cat among the pigeons by arguing that unless its leadership was revived by the United Kingdom, the future of the Commonwealth could only be bleak. Critics reproached this publication for focusing too closely on the core of the former British Empire. They suggested that the question be considered from another angle. The analysis proposed here offers precisely that alternative by placing Canada, the country that contributed to the Commonwealth from the outset and might even have been its instigator, at the heart of the issues being raised.


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