Trade union convergence in global capitalism: A game of scales in the action of delegates of multinational companies in Argentina and France

By Pierre Rouxel

This article analyzes the ways in which union activists adapt to the restructuring of multinational companies. It is based on a comparison of two persistent “bastions” of workers’ trade unionism in France and Argentina. In contrast to comparative work focused on industrial relations systems, the comparison of union groups makes it possible to reconsider the common logics with which delegates assume their role as representatives from one country to another. Over and above the variations in the institutional framework and rules, I thus highlight the fact that the volume and structure of the militant resources specific to each collective encourage similar responses to restructuring, which I characterize as new “games of scales” of trade union action. First, I show that attempts to develop links and concerted action with other subsidiaries of the company remain indebted to initiatives driven by delegates with distinctive capital. I then highlight how the trade union knowledge accumulated about the multinational company, and in particular its CSR standards, functions as a convertible resource at the factory level, in the face of leaders occupying a subordinate position in the governance structures.

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