Federalism at the End of the Twentieth Century Vol. 10, 2003/1 - pagesPages 7 to 8Federalism at the End of the Twentieth CenturyBy Julian Thomas HottingerPages 11 to 18Trends in Twentieth-Century FederalismBy Ronald L. WattsPages 19 to 40African Forms of Federalism: The Concept of Federalism in the Political and Ethnic Turbulence of AfricaBy Makita-Kass KasongoPages 41 to 50Federalism in the Former Yugoslavia Revisited.By Dragoljub PopovićPages 51 to 61Comparative Analysis of the Debate on the Future Political Structure of Europe: Towards a Federation of Nation-States?By Muriel RambourPages 63 to 77Federal Capitals: A ComparisonBy Caroline Van WynsberghePages 79 to 90The Relevance of Federalism to the Management of National DiversityBy Thomas Fleiner, Julian Thomas HottingerPages 91 to 110Negotiation in a Context of UncertaintyBy Olivier NayPages 111 to 127Referendums in France under the Fifth RepublicBy Bernard Dolez, Annie Laurent, Laurence Morel