The Science of Government in France and Chile: Practices, Uses, and Measures Vol. 19, 2012/3 - pagesPages 7 to 17Foreword: The Science of Government in France and Chile: Practices, Uses, and MeasuresBy Yves Déloye, Olivier Ihl, Alfredo JoignantPages 19 to 36Reform Activism: New Public Management by the BookBy Élisa ChellePages 37 to 66The Political Construction of an “Electoral Science” in France under the Third Republic: Factors and Actors of a Politico-scientific HybridBy Yves DéloyePages 67 to 88Objetividad de Estado, or Economics as a Science of Dictatorship: The Chicago Boys in Chile during the Pinochet RegimeBy Olivier IhlPages 89 to 125State Prerogative: Political Uses of Knowledge and “Scientific” Government by the Technopols in Chile (1990–1994)By Alfredo JoignantPages 127 to 148Knowledge and the Gender System in Chile: A Political and Pragmatic Expertise in a Context of DemocratizationBy Bérengère Marques-PereiraPages 149 to 168Policy Convergence in US and Uganda HIV Prevention: Born-Again Christians as IntermediariesBy Élise DemangePages 169 to 191The Dilemma of the Nuclear Question in North Korea and Security in Northeast Asia: Multilevel ApproachesBy Kwang-Ho Chun