Europe and National Political Parties: The Lessons of "Non-Cleavage"

By Robert Harmsen

European integration remains an example of "non-cleavage" in terms of the Lipset-Rokkan model, as it has not brought about significant restructuring of national political party systems. Although it does not affecting the terms of interparty competition, Europe has nevertheless come to occupy an increasingly central place in national political debates. Since the early 1990s, Euroscepticism has taken root to varying degrees across the entire continent. This article analyzes the rise of these Eurosceptic tendencies, examining the phenomenon in terms of both the Europeanization of national political life and the wider emergence of forms of political protest. The analysis demonstrates how European issues have been absorbed into established party structures, while at the same time pointing toward a new research agenda that focuses greater attention on both the discursive dimension of political life and the roles played by national parties as European actors.
