Comparing the Comparatists at Work: Elements for an Anthropological Reflection on Language Configurations in Transnational Research

Thema: Educational Policies - A Comparative Study
By Gábor Eröss

Researchers (in the context of this paper, members of a trans-European research consortium) start out from the ideal of perfect understanding and active participation by everyone. However, there is a structural conflict between inter-comprehension and plan of action. Avoidance strategies with regard to translation are also substituted for ideal understanding. Yet a kind of magic infiltrates this non-translation and multi-translation in the gap between the various national fields as well as at the intersection of the scientific and political fields. Paradoxically, by offering to these fields a new, ambiguous, polysemous, and even opaque language, Europe is reinvigorating research and to a degree liberating researchers from the shackles of national scientific fields.


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