Comparing Government Agendas: “Speeches from the Throne” in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Spain

Thema: Political Agendas
By Gerard Breeman, Laura Chaqués, Christoffer Green-Pedersen, Will Jennings, Peter B. Mortensen, Ana Palau, Arco Timmermans

This paper studies the effect of changes of government on the development of agendas from "Speeches from the Throne" in the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, and Denmark. In addition to mandate theory, explanations in terms of political heritage and the raising of issues are also tested. Despite undeniable differences, the four countries studied show very similar dynamics in their executive agendas, which are not greatly affected by changes in government. In addition, over the long term, the economic dimension, which has long been dominant, is declining almost simultaneously in these four countries and clearing the new challenges.


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