The Debates on “Authoritarian Modernization” under the Presidency of Dimitri Medvedev

By Olga Gille-Belova

The idea that modernisation was to transform Russia into a post-industrial power was a major theme throughout the presidency of Medvedev (2008-2012). This also resulted in important public debates. The officially stated idea of promoting an «autoritarian modernisation» foresaw the implementaiton of a series of socio-economic measures, defined from above, so as to replace an economic model based on the sale of commodities by a new technology driven model. A second approach, described as «liberal modernisation» pointed to the necessity of deep socio-political reforms combined with a participation of civil society into the modernisation project. A third option, described as «conservative modernisation» aimed to promote a return to traditional values, thus challenging the very definition of modernisation as a model for society and development, on the ground that it was being imposed by the West.

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