Comparing the European Parliament and the US House of Representatives: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges

Special Report: Comparing the European Parliament and the US House of Representatives
By Anne-Laure Beaussier, Selma Bendjaballah

This paper aims to question the conditions of comparison of two legislatures usually considered as “unique” for different reasons: the European Parliament and the American Congress. The myth of Europe’s democratic deficit has long been fueled with analysis highlighting the weakness of the European Parliament. However, this statement is today increasingly difficult to support. From the Single European Act, this legislature has witnessed deep transformations, which are echoed by recent works. Far from confirming the idea of a weakness of European democratic institutions, these authors have pointed out the increasing role the EP plays in the European legislative process, following the gradual extensions of the co-decision process. The American Congress has also long been considered as an exceptional legislature, especially because of its extended legislative jurisdiction. However, recent changes affecting the way Congress operates, especially ideological and partisan polarization, tend to bring its logics closer to European Parliaments.

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