Campaigning on Twitter: continuities and evolutions in the context of the electoral campaign. The case of candidates for the European elections in Belgium, Spain, France and the United-Kigdom

Special report. Election campaigns and digital technologies: international comparisons
By Sandrine Roginsky, Barbara De Cock

How are the activities of political representation staged on a particular media space, Twitter, in the context of the campaigns for the European elections of May 2014 and May 2019? Based on a comparative analysis of the biographies and publications on Twitter of MEPs standing for re-election in four countries (Belgium, Spain, France, United Kingdom), we attempt to apprehend the discursive strategies of self-presentation on Twitter on the assumption that these provide indications on how MEPs conceive their roles. If indeed it is possible to identify different roles staged on Twitter, in 2014 as in 2019, the standardization of repertories and the disappearance of contexts of action do not actually tell us much about the MEPs nor to distinguish them significantly from each other.

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